Parish Council Elections 2023

Seven Parish Councillors have been re-elected uncontested meaning there will be no ballot for the Parish Council on Thursday 4th May 2023. Councillors Richard Allen, Chole Gunn, Derwen Hinds, Philip Hunt, Sandra Sowerbutts, Clare Stewart and Phil Surman will serve a four year term until May 2027.

The current Chair of the Parish Council George Porter has confirmed his decision to step down as a Parish Councillor having been co-opted to Council in December 2016.

Following this election process there is now two Councillor vacancies which can be filled at the upcoming meeting of Council on the 15th May 2023. Cllr Porter will remain Chair until this meeting when a new Chair will be voted on by the Council.

If you are interested in becoming a Councillor please contact the Parish Clerk, Mr John Kay or any of the parish councillors to find out more.